Jean Idnaguen created in 2008. We are the best classifieds website for human hair in the whole world and we have been ranked the first in search engines. Our aim is to provide businesses and individuals a platform in which they can buy and sell human hair that is of high quality for a good price.

Benefits of using our website include:

  • There is international accessibility of hair selling and buying classifieds. Our website is accessible internationally by sellers and buyers of natural hair and this is where they meet. This is a guarantee to the sellers to get best price for their hair and for the buyers to find the hair that they need.
  • Our website receives the most traffic and it is easy to use when selling or buying hair.
  • The website provides an efficient experience in a friendly environment.
  • To sell you hair, please consult the Seller Guide and Avoid Scams.
  • To find and buy hair that you need, please consult the Buyer Guide.

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For any questions, difficulties, or ideas on how to improve the website, please share with us.