There are numerous reasons why young people pay more for their car insurance. Among them, the most obvious ones, such as lack of driving experience and high accident rate. The…
Are you a student who has just finished your studies? Would you like to continue your studies in a reputed institute? Is your parents' financial situation not strong enough? No…
Many people think that their bad credit score might prevent them from getting a student loan, but that's simply not true. While some private lenders won't lend to people with…
Are you a student with a bad credit rating? Do you need money for your studies? Is your bad credit in the past preventing you from seeking help? If you…
Financing a college education is not easy, as tuition is anything but cheap. While it is possible to receive government financial aid, not everyone is able to do so due…
Parents are proud that their son or daughter is pursuing a degree. However, there are some concerns, especially financial, as the cost of a college education can be extremely high.…
There are many smart ways to repay your student loans, as long as you manage them wisely. Start by figuring out your budget. If your expenses exceed your income, you…
Most of us can't imagine that students might be forced to file for bankruptcy. But in fact, the link between student loans and bankruptcy is much stronger than many have…
Applying for a student loan is a process that can be frustrating. Lenders consider several aspects before accepting a student loan application. One of the most important requirements is a…
Did you know that the average student will graduate this year with $35,000 in loan debt? Most of these students will have a very difficult time paying back this debt.…